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Ted and Frona Kahn and the team at Design Worlds have been an incredible resource for our family. Without their wisdom, warmth, and generosity throughout the last year, the daunting search for colleges for our twins would have been so much more overwhelming. Even though we had a good high school counselor, we found Ted and Frona provided an important supplemental source of knowledge, support, and advice.


While everybody’s situation is different, as parents of two strong-willed, independent kids, we found that “it took a village” to get through this process. We didn’t fully appreciate what a tough emotional process this would become with our kids until crunch time grew near. Ted and Frona provided a unique combination of emotional and strategic support well beyond what the high school counselor could offer. This could only happen because of the strong bond they formed with our kids. In the final critical stages, Ted and Frona were an invaluable “outside” source of independent support and advice for our kids. At every step of the way they were great listeners and our whole family looked to them as touchstones..

They really took the time to "get" who our kids are as people, to assess their strengths and understand and encourage their aspirations. They helped them clarify their desires beyond college and got them thinking about career paths, life goals and values. We all benefited from their optimism with a dose of realism thrown in. Our kids were encouraged to go for their reach schools and at the same time choose target and safety schools that they felt good about.

In addition to their coaching skills Ted and Frona were “there” on a regular basis keeping our kids focused on target deadlines. They offered thoughtful and practical organizational tools for planning and keeping track of the many steps involved in the college exploration and application process.

High school counselors may be biased, (even unconsciously), by whom they think are “truly exceptional” students. This can have the affect of undermining the confidence of students falling outside the counselor’s determination, especially when pursuing their “reach” schools. Ted and Frona are able to look beyond the traditional ways of viewing students and see what is special about them. I believe that both of our kids got into their first choice reach schools because they were able to communicate their authentic selves and articulate clearly what truly felt like the “best fit” for them. Ted and Frona helped facilitate this exploration and we are very grateful for their skills, resources, sensitivity and humor throughout this important journey

—  Parents of Zoe, Tufts and Max, Stanford 

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